Exodus 1, 2:1-10 - The Birth of Moses
1 Samuel 1 - Hannah’s Prayer for a Son
1 Kings 3:16-28 - Two Mothers Come to Solomon
- Hebrew 4:12-13 For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable.
Luke 1,2 - Elizabeth and Mary
- Genesis 3:15 (to the serpent) "And I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel."
- Luke 2:19 (& 51) Mary kept all these things in her heart, and thought about them often.
- John 19:25-27 Standing near the cross were Jesus’ mother, and his mother’s sister, Mary (the wife of Clopas), and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw his mother standing there beside the disciple he loved, he said to her, “Dear woman, here is your son.” And he said to this disciple, “Here is your mother.” And from then on this disciple took her into his home.
What do these all have in common?
- The godly mother recognizes that her children are gifts of God.
- The godly mother entrusts her children to God's hands.
- The godly mother prays for her children.
- The godly mother has her children's well-being in mind, even at her own expense.
- The godly mother never gives up, never abandons her children.
- The godly mother perceives the bigger picture, even if she doesn't know what tomorrow may bring.
- The godly mother loves at all times, unconditionally.
Proverbs 31:28-31 Her children stand and bless her. Her husband praises her: “There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all!” Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised. Reward her for all she has done. Let her deeds publicly declare her praise.
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